First, it was meant to prevent someone assigning, say, an SQLException to t ( which would be a legal assignment, but then would no longer be an acceptable candidate for rethrow). 首先,这是为了防止人为分配,就是所说的针对t的SQLException(这将是一种合法的指定,但是随后将不再是重新抛出的恰当选择)。
A Study on Legal Problems of the Receivables Assignment in International Trade 国际贸易中应收款转让的相关法律问题研究
The nature of the subrogation right of marine insurance is a legal assignment of creditor's rights. 在性质上,海上保险代位求偿权是一种法定的债权转让。
Research on Legal Issues in the Assignment of Real Estate 房地产转让中的法律问题研究
The legal mode of obligatory rights assignment this thesis calls can be defined as the theoretical design and regulative mode by which civil laws regulate the phenomenon of assignment of obligatory rights. 债权让与法律模式是指民事法律对债权让与进行调控的理论设计与规范模式。
The Legal Nature of Contract for Assignment of the Right to the Use of State-Owned Land in China 我国国有土地使用权出让合同法律性质
In essence the choice of legal mode of obligatory rights assignment is to define the characteristics and function of contract and notification of obligatory assignment, and also define the role they play in the activities of obligatory assignment. 确定债权让与的法律模式,实质就是确定债权让与合同与债权让与通知各自的性质和地位,明确它们在债权让与中发挥的作用。
The legal basis of international factoring is the assignment of claims. 国际保理的法律基础是债权让与。
The essential problem of system for obligatory rights assignment is how to choose legal mode of obligatory rights assignment. 而债权让与制度的根本问题是债权让与法律模式的选择问题。
As the result of long historical changing process of system of assignment of obligatory rights, There have been respectively characteristic legal modes of assignment of obligatory rights in many representative countries. 在债权让与制度长期的历史演变过程中,各主要国家都形成了各具特色的债权让与法律模式,但当前普遍以债权让与合同作为债权变动标准的作法并不可取。
In order to accord with the subject of Legal Research, the author focuses on the analysis and research of the following aspects& the legal relationship of international factoring, legal problems of account receivable assignment and legal risk management of factoring. 为了切乎法律研究之主题,本文将重心放在了对国际保理业务中的法律关系、应收账款债权转让的法律问题以及保理业务主要法律风险防范三方面的分析和研究上。
Chapter I makes outlines of international factoring, Chapter II discusses the legal basis of international factoring between several theories, concluding that the legal basis of international factoring is the assignment of the claims. 第一章对国际保理业务作出概述,第二章讨论了国际保理法律关系基础的几种学说,总结得出国际保理法律关系基础为债权让与。
The Assignment Market of Accounts Receivable should be Established in China Study of Legal Issues of the Assignment of Accounts Receivable in International Factoring 我国应建立应收帐款转让市场国际保理中应收帐款转让的法律问题研究
The functions of copyright collecting societies consist of the authorization, collection and distribution about royalties, and international co-operations. Research on Some Legal Problems in Account Receivable Rights Assignment of International Factoring 将集体管理组织的职能概括为接受授权、发放许可、确定报酬、收取和分配使用费和开展国际业务六项,详细介绍每项职能。国际保理业务中应收账款债权让与的法律分析
There has been disagreement on the legal nature of the action of assignment of the land-use right in academic field and in practice since it got independent legal status. 随着土地使用权取得独立法律地位以来,对于土地使用权出让行为的法律性质在理论界和实务界一直颇有争议。
Chapter III makes a study on the content of the assignment contract, also it makes a research in a full scale on the legal relations between the assignor, the assignee and the debtor and on the internal and external legal validity of the assignment contract. 第三章对债权让与合同的内容,让与人、受让人与债务人之间的法律关系及让与合同的内外部法律效力进行了深入研究。
The remarkable position of obligatory rights in the legal rights system of modern market-oriented economy has decided that the theoretical research on system of assignment of obligatory rights is of great importance. 债权在现代市场经济法权体系中的显著地位决定了对债权让与制度的理论研究具有十分重要的意义。
The main way of the original acquisition is legal made, and the ways of the successive acquisition mainly include contract, assignment, auction and inheritance with certain conditions. 原始取得主要表现为法定取得,继受取得的方式主要包括合同、指配、拍卖以及一定条件下的继承。
The other is the nature of the claims of commercial transfer of the legal issues involved in commercial transactions recourse receivables sold, the manner of assignment of claims and claims for purchase price and the announcement effect. 另一种是商事性质的债权转让,涉及的法律问题有商业交易中应收账款出售的追索权、债权转让的方式和价格以及债权转让公告的效力。
In this regard, local courts are not the same understanding: Some court finds that the legal transfer of a contract of assignment effectively; transfer of some court found illegal, invalid or transfer the contract into effect. 对此,各地法院的认识也不尽一致:有的法院认定转让行为合法,转让合同有效;有的法院认定转让行为不合法,转让合同无效或不生效。
Last, the paper does some research into the legal applicability of assignment of credit which is involved in bankruptcy procedure. 最后,对涉及破产程序的债权转让之法律适用作出研究。
One is a civil claim transfer of the legal issues involved in the transfer of the three parties claim the rights and duties, assignment of claims based on contracts and the effectiveness of the relationship between the warranty accountability. 一种是民事性质的债权转让,涉及的法律问题有债权转让中三方当事人的权利义务关系,基础合同与债权转让效力的关系,瑕疵担保责任的承担。
Chapter four discusses two questions about subrogation lawsuit and the system of compulsory enforcement from procedure view. It is composed of legal status of the party, assignment of the burden of proof, how to deal when more than one suit happen. 第四章从债权人代位权制度程序法角度对当事人的诉讼地位、举证责任分配、数诉问题的处理及代位执行制度进行了实证分析。
This paper has mainly discussed legal issues on the assignment of account receivable. 本论文主要讨论应收账款转让中的法律问题。
Modern laws not only recognize the legal possibility of credit assignment, but also expand the freedom and safety of assigning credit. 近代各国法律,不仅认可债权让与的法律可能性,进而扩大债权让与之自由,并促进其安全性。
The current legal system has many deficiencies in legal system, foreign transfer of censorship and the well-known trademark assignment and assessment system. Therefore, the author puts forward her own viewpoint about how to improve the legal protection of well-known trademark. 而目前的法律制度中,主要在驰名商标保护法律体系、涉外转让审查制度和驰名商标转让及评估制度方面存在不足,因此针对这几点提出了相应的完善意见。
The article agrees on the viewpoint that the legal character of forfaiting is assignment of credit without recourse and that the guarantee for the assigning credit is independent. 本文只分析了信用证项下的福费廷业务,赞同以往论文中福费廷业务债权让与的本质、无追索权的特征以及担保的独立性的观点。
There are many legal issues arise from the assignment of receivables, which is the core of international factoring. Especially, the conflicts between the international factors and the third parties happened frequently. 实践中,围绕应收款转让之一国际保理的核心问题,保理商与第三人之间的权利冲突更是时有发生。
The regulations made some more detailed provisions on enterprises business qualifications, assigning responsibility, government services, determined the legal nature of the assignment services, too. 《条例》中关于企业的经营资格、外派企业责任、政府服务做了较详细规定,也确定了外派劳务的法律性质。
The first chapter consists of two parts. One part presents fundamental principles and workflows of international factoring in which receivables assignment is the core, then legal issues therein and its relationships with receivables assignment is analyzed. 论文第一章分为两个部分,第一部分介绍了以应收账款转让为核心的国际保理的基本原理、流程,分析其中的法律关系,以及其与应收账款转让的关系。